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Metro Theatre Company 50th Anniversary

Metro Theatre Company 50th Anniversary

In celebration of MTC’s 50th anniversary season, a suite of videos was developed to capture Metro Theatre Company's history, impact, and vision for the future which was utilized at the MTC 50th anniversary gala.


About Metro Theatre Company

It began with an impulse: the creative urge to make something up.



Inspired by the intelligence and emotional wisdom of young people, we create professional theater, foster inclusive community, and nurture meaningful learning through the arts.


  • Metro Theater Company envisions a strong, vibrant and diverse St. Louis where every person is valued and respected, and where all young people are empowered to reach their full human potential without barriers.

  • Because we know that theater’s impact is both powerful and immediate, we produce work for audiences of all ages that inspires laughter, wonder, recognition and understanding.

  • Because we believe that the arts, and theater in particular, can bridge cultural divides, we produce work that provokes thought, fosters dialogue and prompts action.

  • Because we appreciate how the arts celebrate our differences and cultivate common ground, we create a welcoming environment for all people in our work.

  • Because we believe young people deserve the finest art we can create, we honor and support the professional artists who do the work of our mission.

  • Because creative risk-taking reveals avenues of self-discovery, we develop and produce new plays.

  • Because we understand that learning through the arts inspires joy, awakens the mind to new possibilities and provides tools for lifelong learning, we design and offer education programs for people of all ages.

  • Because we believe that every young person deserves access to the arts, we actively seek to reach children and young adults in diverse settings with our programs.

  • Because we know that by working together with others we can enrich our artistic process, expand our reach and deepen our impact, we partner with schools and other local and national organizations.

  • Because of our enduring commitment to the community, we sustainably manage our growth thoughtfully, carefully and responsibly.

  • Because we know the arts are irreplaceable avenues for expressing and experiencing the full measure of what it is to be human, we advocate for the arts in all our lives.

(As our staff continues to work remotely, email is preferred.)


Mailing Address
3311 Washington Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63103

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