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Nightmare, Nightmare, Nightmare, The Monster Is ME

By Christen Griffin

Nightmare, Nightmare, Nightmare, The Monster is ME delves into a young man’s life spiraling out of control until his fate is soon revealed.

This is a graphic horror short story meant for a Halloween thrill. Readers be advised it does depict violence and suicide. Though this story mentions violence and suicide, Poplar Institute does not condone any violence of any kind.

Furthermore, please seek help if you or anyone you know who is experiencing suicidal ideation or tendencies. Thank you!


Nightmare, Nightmare, Nightmare, The Monster is ME

Nighttime has fallen...

The streetlights are beaming down on cars aligning the street. Staring out my window into the abyss thinking about the many mistakes I have made in my life. The pain of guilt and heartbreak is making my heart deteriorate. This pain is a pain that I can’t get rid of. I hate the feeling of being alone. The world is against me, I can’t trust anybody. It’s my fault that I am in this situation. Months before this painful feeling, I was filled with happiness, I felt like I was on top of the world. I had a beautiful girlfriend and friends. I still have my family, but I can never share this pain with them, because I will feel embarrassed. I share my depression with my roommate, as he also shares his pain as well. He had recently lost his brother from a homicide. My thoughts are eating my brain alive, I am the reason that I lost everything I had. Every time I hurt someone; they commit suicide. Why? Why me O lord? I am trying to build my career and success, but when I focus more on that, I lose another person I care about. Why is this nightmare recurring? I am tired, I can barely breath. I can feel the brush of death behind me. But this nightmare and pain that I am experiencing, seems like it will never end.

Last night I had a dream that a monster was standing in my room. It stood in the corner staring at me. Its figure was of a medium size, demon. I laid in bed stuck as the demon’s mouth opened. Its teeth were sharp, yellow, and dirty. It smiled like it was looking through my soul. This monster proceeded towards a chair in my room, my eyes followed. The monster moved the chair under a bar that hung on the ceiling. He grabbed a rope from the corner of the room and proceeded to tie it around the bar. He pulled the other end of the rope and tied it around his neck. My eyes were staring, with no regret in it as I watched this monster stand on the chair, with the rope around his neck. The monster smiled again, as he stood on the chair.

Finally, he said to me, “Be aware of your faith as suicide is in site, you may be the next one to visit me down in the fiery pit of darkness”. He then jumped from the chair, and his neck broke. Swinging back and forth and I started to see his face better now. I woke up looking at my ceiling paralyzed in fear. I laid there wondering what the hell did I just dream about? Am I responsible for a suicide? I turned over to see my roommate hanging in the middle of the room. I screamed in agony as his body swinged back and forth like a winter gloom. A note was attached to his pants that said open me. I reached for the note and opened it. It read, “you are responsible for his death, now deal with the consequences of your past. Now, the rope tied to your roommate’s neck, is glued to your hand, good luck fighting a murder case you are the next man that will be in hell”.

FREEZE!! Put your hands up. The cops entered my room with guns and flashlights. They saw the rope in my hand and the fear in my eyes. I yelled and said I didn’t do this. The cops said it's too late son, someone saw you hang him. I moved swiftly to stand up out of the bed, “POP” “POP’ “POP”, blood gushed out of my head. I woke up to fire around me, the devil and those who committed suicide around me laughing at me saying “Your nightmare is now a reality”. The monster that I saw that night turned out to be me, I am now stuck in darkness and fire, for the rest of eternity. Nightmare, Nightmare, Nightmare, The Monster Is Me.


Note from PIFF

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About the Author

Christen Griffin is currently a college student at Southeast Missouri State University, and has an interest in writing, specifically film script writing. Throughout his youth he has written speeches, written his own books (Not published), and have written film scripts. Writing is a tool that Chris has used to escape the real world. Whenever he is not mad or sad, Chris writes about it. If a tragedy unfolds around him or around the world, he writes about it. Chris stated that "there are so many things to write about." Chris believes that through his words, he can impact the world. This is why Chris states he writes. Chris stated, "I don’t just write for myself, I write to heal the issues in society."

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