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Waiting in Darkness

Updated: Jan 30, 2023

By Merlin Bell


Waiting for Darkness is a poem written by Merlin Bell delving into a person longing to reconnect with someone they lost.


Driving down an empty street. Darkness all around.

Thoughts simmering in my head. Love, lost, anger, sadness. What do I do? What have I done?

Friends once dear and near, now are dead and gone. Remembering the laughter and the sweet caress that made me smile. Gosh did I love your smile.

Now that that’s faded memory, I sit and think as I drive aimlessly in the dark. Hoping to one day find that sweet caress that made me smile once on that chilly summer morning.

Sitting in silence at night is all I know.

Thinking, reflecting, wanting, yearning for something more to this thing called life.

Funny that it seems to always be nights when I yearn for them the most.

But until then I sit and wait in darkness waiting until those light shines above our heads.


Note from PIFF

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About the Author

Merlin Bell is the founder and CEO of Poplar Institute for Film. Merlin is a creative professional, who has offered experience working in content management and production leveraging a passion for culture and the arts. He has a BA from Denison University in Theatre and a MA from Fontbonne University in Theatre. He has worked in several nonprofit arts and culture organizations as an actor, creative activist, and educator.

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